
For the 10th anniversary, the series of events of the Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology was dedicated to Marie Jahoda and, accordingly, to the topic of "Research and Activism". Originally planned for September 2020 as a face-to-face event, the anniversary edition could now be implemented as an online event from 25 to 28 January 2021 in cooperation with the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre (University of Sussex & University of Leeds) and the Chamber of Labour Vienna.

The objectives of the winter school were:

  • to reflect and exchange insights on the link between academic research and political or societal activism
  • for PhD students who are activists themselves to discuss how they reconcile the roles of researcher and activist
  • to discuss the PhD projects with distinguished international scholars in the field
  • to exchange with other doctoral students and early-career scholars who work on similar topics
  • to establish networks within the community

19 very committed participants from all over the world (Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, India, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, UK) presented their PhD projects and discussed a wide range of topics: work, digital age, migration, gender, climate change, housing and urban area.

Each day of the winter school started with a morning lecture:

A diverse accompanying programme open to the public completed the event:


We are happy about the positive feedback we got from the participants of the winter school. This feedback indicates that the winter school can be seen as a successful event:

"... wonderful and memorable winter school"
"... great organisation, it was an excellent program!"
"It was such a valuable and uplifting experience."
"... such a great event. I really enjoyed it, it was very inspiring."
"I truly enjoyed the interaction and discussions."
"I feel I have profited from it a huge amount."

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