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Divorce and children:
consequences - perspectives - progress

Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology
16-20 September 2019

Faculty members


Anna-Maija Castrén (University of Eastern Finland)

Anna-Maija Castrén is Professor of Sociology at the University of Eastern Finland. Her areas of expertise are, among others, close and family relationships and qualitative network analysis. She has worked on post-divorce family configurations, family boundaries in stepfamilies, family networks and family dynamics from a figurational approach.


Juho Härkönen (European University Institute and Stockholm University)

Juho Härkönen is Professor of Sociology at the European University Institute (while on leave from Stockholm University). His research interests cover life course research, the causes and consequences of family dynamics and structure, social stratification, and comparative research, with recent publications covering, among others, antecedents and outcomes of divorce.


Laura Merla (Université Catholique de Louvain)

Laura Merla is Professor of Sociology at the University of Louvain (UCLouvain, Belgium) and was awarded an ERC Starting Grant for the study ‘MobileKids: Children in multi-local, post-separation families’, in which she employs innovative methodological approaches. Her main research areas are, among others, the sociology of the family and work-family balance.


Anne-Rigt Poortman (Utrecht University)

Anne-Rigt Poortman is Associate Professor of Sociology at Utrecht University. She specializes in family sociology and social demography. She is particularly interested in divorce and separation, new relationship types and legal aspects of partner relationships.