Werkstattgespräch: Governing tourism in Vienna

Mit: Lukas Alexander

Di, 12. Jänner 2021, 13:00-14:30, digital


Governing tourism in Vienna: Responses and solutions to tourism-related social exclusion

Lukas Alexander wird in diesem Werkstattgespräch (1) sein Dissertationskonzept „Governing tourism in Vienna: Responses and solutions to tourism-related social exclusion“ vorstellen und freut sich über eine rege Diskussion um für die FÖP gewappnet zu sein. (2) Eine offene Diskussion zur „Soziologischen Sicht auf Tourismus in Wien“ soll zusätzlichen Input für das international eingebettete und EU-funded H2020 Projekt SmartDest bringen. Die Präsentation wird Englisch abgehalten, bei der anschließenden Diskussion sind wir sprachlich flexibel.

Abstract In the previous two decades more and more European cities are affected by overtourism. This means that the continually growing streams of visitors are exceeding local capacities such as infrastructure or space. Although, the tourist dollar is much appreciated, residence suffer under a declining liveability and growing social exclusion. But not all urban destinations are affected equally. Some cities simply don´t attract great numbers of tourists, others are actively handling visitor flows balancing economic as well as community interests. The latter are interesting as they might be a good example for social sustainable tourism. In this regard, Vienna with its visitor economy strategy is doing particularly well. But, how is the city achieving this, under which circumstances and how is the COVID-pandemic affecting it? To answer the questions, I will assess the social and touristic situation of Vienna stressing potential lines of conflict. The political context with all stakeholders and hierarchical networks is of crucial importance in the shaping of tourism policies. Jesspo´s governance theory with all its further developments provides an ideal theoretical frame to put in relation a great number of involved actors on different scales. The empirical research is organized as a mix-methods approach. Each step produces results that will inform the next one. Starting from a place-diagnostic of Vienna, I will analyse micro-census data and conduct a discourse analysis followed by expert interviews to see how economic, political and community stakeholders are contributing to tourism policies. Finally, Vienna will be compared to two cities affected by overtourism (Amsterdam and Ljubljana).

Wann? Dienstag, 12.01.2021, 13.00 bis 14.30 Uhr

Wo? Online via Moodle Collaborate: Zugangslink (Einschreibschlüssel Soziologie1)
