Course Registration

You can find here the most important information regarding the course registration over the university portal U:SPACE

1. Registration Periods

2. Registration Process

3. Deregistration

Registration Periods

  • Course registration at our department usually starts at the beginning of September for the winter semester and at the beginning of February for the summer semester.
  • During these registration periods the "first come, first served" principle does not apply. If you are interested in attending courses at other departments as well, please inform yourself about their registration periods.
  • Link to registration periods (in German)
  • ATTENTION: The courses offered by the Department of Science and Technology Studies have different registration periods. You can find them here (also in German).
  • Please note that it is mandatory to register for a course, even if you are just interested in taking it. It is not possible to attend courses without prior registration (exception: lectures (=VO)).
  • Course registration is done via U:SPACE. You do not have to be in Vienna in order to register for courses. The International Office will send you an email with your student ID number and the instructions on how to activate your u:account well before the start of the registration period.

Registration Process

  • In order to register for a course, please follow the registration link in the course directory. It is provided in each course's detailed course description in the section "An/Abmeldung" (please note that this link is only active during the registration period!). Please choose ["Erasmus-Modul"] when asked for the module during registration.
  • Some continuous assessment courses have several parallel courses which vary in the time when they take place and partly also in terms of content (or only one of the parallel courses may be held in English). The registration system for those continuous assessment courses functions according to the preference mode. Students are given the opportunity to submit their preferences for parallel courses. Preferences can be modified over the entire period of registration.  After the registration deadline has expired, electronic allocation allows for the best possible consideration of given preferences. More to preference system
  • Once you have registered for a course, your status should be "angemeldet" (für lectures, VO) or "vorgemerkt" (for courses with continuous assessment). After the registration deadline, your status in courses with continuous assessment will usually change to "angemeldet". If you are on the waiting list ("Warteliste"), you can still join the first session of the course. If some registered students don't turn up, their places might be given to students on the waiting list. Conversely, this also means that it is necessary to be punctual for the first session of each of your courses, because if you don't show up without an excuse, you might lose your place in the course.
  • General information on course registration at the University of Vienna can be found here


  • Should you decide to not to take part in a course after all, please deregister from the course via U:SPACE as soon as possible so that we can offer the place to another student.
  • If you decide not to attend a course after the beginning of the semester, deregistration is possible until the fourth week of the semester.
  • Please also tell your course instructor about your deregistration.
  • If you haven't deregistered from a course, you might get a negative grade for the course in your transcript of records.