Learning Agreement
- As far as we are concerned, it is sufficient when you have your Learning Agreement signed after your arrival in Vienna. However if your home university requires the signed Learning Agreement earlier, that is possible, too.
- In order to have your Learning Agreement signed, you can send it to marie.klein@univie.ac.at as a PDF and receive back a signed document
- Please note that at the Department of Sociology we can only sign sociology courses in your Learning Agreement.
- Only exception: Lectures (VO) of the other Departments of the Faculty of Social Sciences (these are Departments of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Nursing Science, Political Science, Communication, and Science and Technology Studies)can by signed by the ERASMUS+ coordinator of the Department of Sociology as well.
- Other courses need to be signed by the respective departmental coordinators. To find whether it is possible to take part in courses at the respective departments and who are the persons to contact, please read the section on "Courses outside your nominated field of study" on this page.
- We recommend that you list courses from other fields of study on an extra Learning Agreement for each field of study. But these Learning Agreements have to be provided only AFTER your arrival in Vienna and after clarifying the possibilities. The respective mobility coordinators of the other fields of study confirm and sign only courses from their field of study.