Work | Organisation | Gender
Labour research investigates gainful employment in its specific historical and social conditions, changes in working patterns and work relations as well as relationships of recognition and subjective perspectives on work. Gender relations in the form of the gendered division of labour and the dual socialisation of women are taken into particular account. At the theoretical and empirical level, analyses of the labour market also deal with segmented labour markets, flexible working arrangements, the prevalence of atypical employment relationships, risk groups, gender segregation as well as occupational and career paths of men and women. Key research areas of the Department of Sociology include international comparisons, analyses of restructuring processes, biographical methods and time series analyses.
Gainful employment usually takes place in organisations. Therefore, organisations are of central importance for the development of our society based on the division of labour. Therefore, from a sociological perspective, the obvious approach is to deal with the phenomenon of organisation at a theoretical and empirical level. At present, research activities within this key research area are concerned on the one hand with the empirical research of organisational processes in family businesses, and on the other hand with the development of a process-oriented organisational theory.
SOZNET doc.sessions are regularly organised in cooperation with the Austrian Sociological Association (ÖGS) section of occupational sociology. In these sessions, doctoral candidates who conduct research in the fields of work and employment have the opportunity to exchange information with experts from academic research and practice.
Current Research Projects
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Flecker, J., Klaus, D. & Rieder, I.
1/03/22 → 28/02/26
Project: Contract research