
The authors present and discuss their latest academic findings from the extensive research carried out at the Department of Sociology in articles in national and international journals, books, contributions in edited volumes, working papers, etc.

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Kohlenberger, J. (Author), Buber-Ennser, I. (Author), Pędziwiatr, K. (Author), Rengs, B. (Author), Riederer, B. (Author), Setz, I. (Author), Brzozowski, J. (Author), & Nahorniuk, O. (Author). (2022). Was die hohe Selbstselektion ukrainischer Geflüchteter für ihre Aufnahmeländer bedeutet. Web publication, Netzwerk Fluchtforschung.

Kohlenberger, J. (Author), Pędziwiatr, K. (Author), Rengs, B. (Author), Riederer, B. (Author), Setz, I. (Author), Buber-Ennser, I. (Author), Brzozowski, J. (Author), & Nahorniuk, O. (Author). (2022). What the self-selection of Ukrainian refugees means for support in host countries. Web publication, London School of Economics and Political Science .

Kritzinger, S. (Author), Litvyak, O. (Author), Rettenegger, G. (Author), Fischeneder, A. (Author), Galyga, S. (Author), Eberl, J-M. (Author), Müller, W. C. (Author), & Boomgaarden, H. (Author). (2022). AUTNES Automatic Content Analysis of the Media Coverage 2017 (SUF edition): Version 2. Software or database