The authors present and discuss their latest academic findings from the extensive research carried out at the Department of Sociology in articles in national and international journals, books, contributions in edited volumes, working papers, etc.
Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
Showing entries 31 - 40 out of 863
Arpino, B., Bordone, V., & Di Gessa, G. (2023). COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance among older individuals: The role of close kin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(13), [e2214382120].
Assmus, J., Heindlmaier, A., & Schmidt, S. K. (2023). Trügerisches soziales Europa. Die Entsendung von Drittstaatsangehörigen in der EU. WSI-Mitteilungen: Monatszeitschrift des Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituts in der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung.
Blauberger, M., & Heindlmaier, A. (2023). Die Europäische Arbeitsbehörde in der Praxis. WSI Study, (32), 1-36.
Blauberger, M., & Heindlmaier, A. (2023). The European Labour Authority in Practice. WSI Study, (32e), 1-32.
Breckner, R., & Mayer, E. (2023). Social media as a means of visual biographical performance and biographical work. Current Sociology, 71(4), 661-682.
Cefalo, R., & Scandurra, R. (2023). What, for whom, and under what circumstances: Do activation policies increase youth employment in the EU? Journal of European Social Policy.
Di Gessa, G., Bordone, V., & Arpino, B. (2023). Changes in Grandparental Childcare During the Pandemic and Mental Health: Evidence From England. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences, 78(2), 319-329.
Dowling, E. (2023). Britain's Care Crisis: Why Claps Don't Pay Bills and Money's Not Enough. Hard Times Magazine, 106(1).
Dowling, E., Opratko, B., Brand, U., Boos, T., Daniel, A., Dursun, A. E., Flecker, J., Kleinschmidt, M., Krams, M., Lange, D., Liebhart, K., Niederhauser, J., Radhuber, I., Sauer, B., & Staritz, C. (2023). Pandemische politische Ökonomie: Zur kapitalistischen Verarbeitung der Corona-Krise. IfS Working Paper Series, 2023(2), 2-47.
Durnova, A. P., & Hejzlarova, E. M. (2023). Navigating the role of emotions in expertise: public framing of expertise in the Czech public controversy on birth care. Policy Sciences, 56(3), 549-571.
Showing entries 31 - 40 out of 863