
The authors present and discuss their latest academic findings from the extensive research carried out at the Department of Sociology in articles in national and international journals, books, contributions in edited volumes, working papers, etc.

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften


Valls Casas, O., Astleithner, F., Schels, B., Vogl, S., & Kogler, R. (2022). Educational and Occupational Aspirations: A Longitudinal Study of Vienna Youth. Social Inclusion, 10(2), 226-239.


Aartsen, M., Walsh, K., Villar, F., Lowenstein, A., Katz, R., Naim, S. P., Motel-Klingebiel, A., Wanka, A., Urbaniak, A., Hansen, T., & Vidovićová, L. (2021). Exclusion from social relations in later life and the role of gender: A Heuristic model. Gender a Vyzkum / Gender and Research, 22(1), 16-35.