Divorce and children:
consequences - perspectives - progress
Marie Jahoda Summer School of Sociology
16-20 September 2019
Application and fees
The Summer School is intended for PhD students or early postdoctoral researchers whose (doctoral) projects take up its core themes. Contributions will be either theoretical or empirical (qualitative or quantitative). Applicants should have a background in sociology or closely related fields. The course is open to approximately 20 international PhD students or postdoctoral researchers.
Applicants are asked to submit their CV (max. 2 pages) and a description of their PhD resp. research project (2 pages) to mariejahoda.summerschool@univie.ac.at
The application deadline is May 24, 2019.
Applications will be evaluated by the Programme Committee. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by May 29, 2019. Participants will submit their papers of presentation (15 pages) no later than July 15, 2019. Participants will receive a certificate of the University that confirms 5 ECTS points as equivalent to the amount of work at the Summer School.
The Summer School fee is EUR 190, including social dinner. Full payment will be made by June 15, 2019. No guarantee is furnished for payments received beyond this date. Students are expected to pay for their own travel and accommodation (see "useful information" for details).
Details regarding transfer procedures will be e-mailed to participants.