Archive News

Job opening

Vacant University Assistant post-doc position within the field of Political Sociology

Application deadline: 17.08.2022

Job opening

Vacant University Assistant post-doc position within the field of Political Sociology

Application deadline: 12.07.2022


Andreas Schadauer illustrates for Austria how racialization is used to steer opinions and discourses on welfare support with consequences for all.


We are happy to welcome Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Ulrike Zartler-Griessl as the new professor for Family sociology at our Department!


An interview in The Guardian with Dr. Valeria Bordone.

Job opening

The vacancy is open until 13.3.2022 and is limited to 6 years.

Job opening

The application deadline is 15 March 2022

Call for Application

Programme for female postdoctoral researchers affiliated with the University of Vienna

Deadline for applications: 28 November 2021


Univ. Prof. Dr. Anna Durnová holds the professorship of Political Sociology at the Institute of Sociology since November 2021.

Job opening

Within the HypoFam project (Austrian Sci-ence Fund FWF grant No. P 35136_G. Project lead: Nadia Steiber).

Application deadline: 3 December 2021

Job opening

At the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Vienna

Application deadline: 10 January 2022

Job opening

Research areas: sociology of knowledge, general cultural sociology, recent developments in mediatization research.

Application deadline: 01.11.2021

Job opening

Research areas: international urban sociology, comparative social policy; ideally a combination of them.

Application deadline: 01.11.2021.



Christoph Reinprecht über das Wohnen im Hochhaus für DER STANDARD.

Job opening

At the Research Platform The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities.

Application deadline: 1 September 2021

Job opening

At the Research Platform The Challenge of Urban Futures: governing the complexities in European cities.

Application deadline: 6 September 2021



Congratulations to Tatjana Boczy on receiving the Marietta Blau Grant of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.


In her melancholic essay, Tatjana Boczy takes us through the past year as she experienced it.


SIforREF project identifies four socially innovative practices which make a difference in social integration of refugees in Vienna.


Ulrike Zartler has been interviewing families all over Austria over a year in the context of a longitudinal study, “Family life and corona”.

Job opening

Focus on the implementation of a sustainable organizational culture at the Department of Sociology.

20 h/week, 1 year, start immediately.

New publication

In this paper Emma Dowling constructs a sociology of Brexit and seeks to interpret the fractious constellations on either side of the Brexit...

New publication

In her new book "The Care Crisis", Emma Dowling charts the multi-faceted nature of care in the modern world.

Job opening

Research area: the Department project 'Pathways to the Future'

Duration of employment: until 13.08.2022

Application deadline: 16.11.2020