HYPOFAM: The rise of hypogamy and its consequences for family life
Steiber, N., Winter-Ebmer, R., Berghammer, C., Lebedinski, L., Liedl, B., Metzger, S., Siegert, C. & Trimarchi, A.
1/01/22 → 31/07/26
Project: Research funding
Declining Gender Differences in Low-Wage Employment in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
Nina-Sophie Fritsch (Speaker), Roland Verwiebe (Speaker) & Bernd Liedl (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Unten, Mitte, Oben – Wie schätzen Menschen in Österreich ihren sozialen Status in der Gesellschaft ein?
Caroline Berghammer (Speaker), Anja Eder (Contributor), Markus Hadler (Contributor), Bernd Liedl (Contributor) & Nadia Steiber (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Paths into the Labour Market: Successful Job Search of Refugees in Austria
Bernd Liedl (Speaker) & David Wolfgang Schiestl (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Patterns of Integration and Life Satisfaction among Refugees in Vienna
Raimund Haindorfer (Speaker), Bernd Liedl (Speaker) & Bernhard Kittel (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
The gendered division of the labour market and occupational transitions in Austria
Nina-Sophie Fritsch (Speaker), Bernd Liedl (Speaker) & Gerhard Paulinger (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Singles in the City: Lebenszufriedenheit und Lebensstile im Wandel 1995-2018
Bernhard Riederer (Speaker), Bernd Liedl (Speaker), Nina-Sophie Fritsch (Contributor), Roland Verwiebe (Contributor), Lena Seewann (Contributor) & Raimund Haindorfer (Contributor)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Public
Determinants of Labor Market Integration of Refugees in Austria: A Multi-dimensional Analysis
Raimund Haindorfer (Speaker), Bernhard Kittel (Speaker) & Bernd Liedl (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Diskursstrategien einer neoliberalen Reformagenda
Bernd Liedl (Speaker) & Stephan Pühringer (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Broome's Problems with the Instrumental Requirement of Rationality: Sketching a Solution
Bernd Liedl (Speaker)
Activity: Talks and presentations › Talk or oral contribution › Science to Science
Department of Sociology
Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien
Room: R.313
T: +43-1-4277-48242