Mag. Philip Schörpf
1 - 7 out of 7
Herr, B., Schörpf, P., & Flecker, J. (2021). How place and space matter to union organizing in the platform economy. In J. Drahokoupil, & K. Vandaele (Eds.), A Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy (pp. 112-127). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Flecker, J., Schörpf, P., & Schönauer, A. (2017). On call for one's online reputation - control and time in creative crowdwork. In K. Briken, S. Chillas, M. Krzywdzinski, & A. Marks (Eds.), 'The new digital workplace. How new technologies revolutionise work' (pp. 89-111). Palgrave Macmillan.

Flecker, J., Pfadenhauer, M., Grenz, T., & Schörpf, P. (2016). Gesellschaftlicher Wandel im Zeitalter des Internets: Digitalisierung der Arbeit und Mediatisierung sozialer Welten. In J. Fritz, & N. Tomascheck (Eds.), Gesellschaft im Wandel: Gesellschaftliche, wirtschaftliche und ökologische Perspektiven (Vol. 5, pp. 63-77). Waxmann Verlag. University - Society - Industry: Beiträge zum lebensbegleitenden Lernen und Wissenstransfer Vol. 5

Flecker, J., Schönauer, A., & Schörpf, P. (2015). Creative work between local milieux and digital spaces. Paper presented at COST Action Dynamics of Virtual Work, Working Group Meeting, Peniche, Portugal.

1 - 7 out of 7

Shaping technology: biometric data, collective empowerment and humanisation of work (ShapeTech)

Flecker, J., Taherinejad, N., Gerdenitsch, C., Riesenecker, T., Schörpf, P. & Rieder, I.


Project: Research funding

Entwicklungstrends digitaler Arbeit

Flecker, J., Schörpf, P. & Rieder, I.


Project: Contract research

Labour conflicts in platform labour: between online-irrelevant and offline-effective?

Philip Schörpf (Speaker) & Benjamin Herr (Speaker)

5 Nov 2019

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Science

Sharing Economy: Ein Blick hinter den Hype

Dominik Klaus (Speaker), Benjamin Herr (Speaker) & Philip Schörpf (Speaker)


Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionScience to Public

FORBA Fachgespräch digitale Arbeit

Philip Schörpf (Speaker)

14 Dec 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther


Philip Schörpf (Invited speaker)

5 Dec 2015

Activity: Talks and presentationsTalk or oral contributionOther

Department of Sociology

Rooseveltplatz 2
1090 Wien